Inspiration for Small Apartment Balconies in the City
Spring is here! After all those months spent cooped up inside, the weather is finally nice enough to enjoy the outdoors. Because we know that a lavish roof garden (or even a backyard) isn’t a reality for a lot of apartment dwellers, we’ve compiled this gallery of inspiring small outdoor spaces. Even if your balcony is one of those tiny ones with barely enough space to step outside, there’s something here for you.
On glorious warm sunny days and relaxing summer evenings, an unloved balcony, no matter its size, is a tragic sight. So if you are currently using yours as a graveyard for dead plants or broken outdoor furniture, listen up. Here are the very best ideas for transforming your neglected outdoor space into an irresistible space perfect for relaxing and entertaining.
But I have my reasons – and lots of small apartment balcony inspiration, too.
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